GTA 5 Cheats PS4, Xbox One, PC Cheat Codes - Free GTA Money
Discover all the GTA 5 cheats with this handy GTA V cheats PS4, GTA 5 cheats Xbox One, and PC guide for free GTA money and more. Plus get all the Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats for Xbox 360 and PS3.
You'll discover the entirety of the GTA 5 cheats you need here. We have all the PS4 GTA 5 cheats, in addition to GTA 5 Xbox One cheats, and PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 cheats for Rockstar's GTA 5. In the event that you've at any point played a GTA game previously, you'll realize that there's loads of amusing to be had with swindles. GTA 5 is no special case, as there are numerous splendid and diverting GTA 5 Cheats to test. These cheats incorporate the GTA 5 Money Cheat to get free GTA cash, the GTA 5 Weapons Cheats, the GTA 5 Health and Armor Cheats, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. We'll likewise investigate how to bring in cash rapidly utilizing the stockmarket.
What Cheats are There in GTA 5?
- What GTA 5 Cheats are There?
- GTA 5 Cheats PC
- GTA 5 Cheats PS4 and PS3 Cheats
- GTA 5 Cheats Xbox One and Xbox 360 Cheats
- GTA 5 Weapons Cheats
- Wanted Level Cheats
- Raise Wanted Level Cheats
- Helicopter Cheats
- GTA 5 Car Cheats
- How to Use Cheats in GTA 5
- GTA 5 Phone Numbers
GTA 5 Cheats PC
- Flaming Bullets cheat: INCENDIARY
- Explosive Melee Attack cheat HOTHANDS
- Give Parachute: SKYDIVE
- Moon Gravity cheat: FLOATER
- Drunk Mode: LIQUOR
- Recharge Ability: POWERUP
- Slow Motion: Enter three times for full effect - SLOWMO
- Launch into the sky: SKYFALL
- Spawn Comet: COMET
- Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle: ROCKET
- Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike: OFFROAD
- Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
- Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD
- Spawn Trashmaster: TRASHED
- Spawn Buzzard Attack Helicopter: BUZZOFF
- Spawn Stunt Plane: BARNSTORM
- Slow Motion Aiming: Enter three times for full effect - DEADEYE
- Invincibility: PAINKILLER
- Slow Down Gameplay: SLOWMO
- Max Health & Armor: TURTLE
- Fast Run: CATCHME
- Raise Wanted Level: FUGITIVE
- Lower Wanted Level: LAWYERUP
- Change Weather: MAKEITRAIN
- Slippery Cars Drifting: SNOWDAY
- Fast Swimming: GOTGILLS
- Super Jump: PC: HOPTOIT.
- Explosive Rounds: PC: HIGHEX.
- Caddy: HOLEIN1
- Spawn Duster: FLYSPRAY
GTA 5 Cheats PS4 and PS3 Cheats
- Choose your weapon cheat: ∆ - RT - LEFT - LB - A - RIGHT - Y - DOWN - X - LB - LB - LB
- Fast Run cheat: ∆ - Left - Right - Right - L2 - L1 - []
- Fast Swim cheat: Left - Left - L1 - Right - Right - R2 - Left - L2 - Right
- Explosive Melee cheat: Right - Left - X - ∆ - R1 - O - O - O - L2
- Explosive Rounds cheat: Right - [] - X - Left - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Right - L1 - L1 - L1
- Flame Rounds cheat: L1 - R1 - [] - R1 - Left - R2 - R1 - Left - [] - Right - L1 - L1
- Invincibility cheat: Right - X - Right - Left - Right - R1 - Right - Left, X - ∆
- Restore Health and Armor cheat: O - L1 - ∆ - R2 - X - [] - O - Right - [] - L1 - L1 - L1
- Recharge Special Ability: X - X - [] - R1 - L1 - X - Right - Left - X
- Super Jump cheat: Left - Left - ∆ - ∆ - Right - Right - Left - Right - [] - R1 - R2
- Lower Wanted Level cheat: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left
- Raise Wanted Level cheat: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right
- Give Parachute: Left - Right - L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - R2 - Left - Left - Right - L1
- Skyfall: L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right
- Drunk Mode cheat: ∆ - Right - Right - Left - Right - [] - O - Left
- Change Weather cheat: R2 - X - L1 - L1 - L2 - L2 - L2 - []
- Low Friction: ∆ - R1 - R1 - Left - R1 - L1 - R2 - L1
- Low Gravity cheat: Left - Left - L1 - R1 - L1 - Right - Left - L1 - Left
- Slow Motion: ∆ - Left - Right - Right - [] - R2 - R1
- BMX: Left - Left - Right - Right - Left - Right - [] - O - ∆ - R1 - R2
- Buzzard: O - O - L1 - O - O - O - L1 - L2 - R1 - ∆ - O - ∆
- Caddy: O - L1 - Left - R1 - L2 - X - R1 - L1 - O - X
- Comet: R1 - O - R2 - Right - L1 - L2 - X - X - [] - R1
- Duster: Right - Left - R1 - R1 - R1 - Left - ∆ - ∆ - X - O - L1 - L1
- Limo: R2 - Right - L2 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - O - Right
- PCJ-600: R1 - Right - Left - Right - R2 - Left - Right - [] - Right - L2 - L1 - L1
- Rapid GT: R2 - L1 - O - Right - L1 - R1 - Right - Left - O - R2
- Sanchez: O - X - L1 - O - O - L1 - O - R1 - R2 - L2 - L1 - L1
- Stunt Plane: O - Right - L1 - L2 - Left - R1 - L1 - L1 - Left - Left - X - ∆
- Trashmaster: O - R1 - O - R1 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - O - Right
GTA 5 Weapons Cheats
- Choose your weapon Xbox One: Y - RT - LEFT - LB - A - RIGHT - Y - DOWN - X - LB - LB - LB
- Choose your weapon PS4: ∆ - RT - LEFT - L1 - X - RIGHT - ∆ - DOWN - Square - L1 - L1 - L1
- Choose your Weapon PC: TOOLUP
Wanted Level Cheats
- Lower Wanted Level: LAWYERUP (PC)
- Lower Wanted Level: RB - RB - B - RT - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left (Xbox)
- Lower Wanted Level: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left (PS4)
Raise Wanted Level Cheats
- Raise Wanted Level: FUGITIVE (PC)
- Raise Wanted Level: RB - RB - B - RT - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right
- Raise Wanted Level: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right
Helicopter Cheats
- Spawn Buzzard Attack Helicopter: BUZZOFF
- Buzzard: B - B - LB - B - B - B - LB - LT - RB - Y - B - Y
- Buzzard: O - O - L1 - O - O - O - L1 - L2 - R1 - ∆ - O - ∆
GTA 5 Car Cheats
- BMX: Left - Left - Right - Right - Left - Right - [] - O - ∆ - R1 - R2
- Buzzard: O - O - L1 - O - O - O - L1 - L2 - R1 - ∆ - O - ∆
- Caddy: O - L1 - Left - R1 - L2 - X - R1 - L1 - O - X
- Comet: R1 - O - R2 - Right - L1 - L2 - X - X - [] - R1
- Duster: Right - Left - R1 - R1 - R1 - Left - ∆ - ∆ - X - O - L1 - L1
- Limo: R2 - Right - L2 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - O - Right
- PCJ-600: R1 - Right - Left - Right - R2 - Left - Right - [] - Right - L2 - L1 - L1
- Rapid GT: R2 - L1 - O - Right - L1 - R1 - Right - Left - O - R2
- Sanchez: O - X - L1 - O - O - L1 - O - R1 - R2 - L2 - L1 - L1
- Stunt Plane: O - Right - L1 - L2 - Left - R1 - L1 - L1 - Left - Left - X - ∆
- Trashmaster: O - R1 - O - R1 - Left - Left - R1 - L1 - O - Right
- BMX: Left - Left - Right - Right - Left - Right - A - Circle - Y - RB - RT
- Buzzard: B - B - LB - B - B - B - LB - LT - RB - Y - B - Y
- Caddy: B - LB - Left - RB - LT - X - RB - LB - B - X
- Comet: RB - B - RT - Right - LB - LT - X - X - A - RB
- Duster: Right ,Left - RB - RB - RB - Left - Y - Y - X - B - LB - LB
- Limo: RT - Right - LT - Left - Left - RB - LB - B - Right
- PCJ-600: RB - Right - Left - Right - RT - Left - Right - A - Right - LT - LB - LB
- Rapid: GT RT - LB - B - Right - LB - RB - Right - Left - B - RT
- Sanchez: B - X - LB - B - B - LB - B - RB - RT - LT - LB - LB
- Stunt Plane: B - Right - LB - LT - Left - RB - LB - LB - Left - Left - X - Y
- Trashmaster: B - RB - B - RB - Left - Left - RB - LB - B - Right
- Spawn Comet: COMET
- Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle: ROCKET
- Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike: OFFROAD
- Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
- Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD
- Spawn Trashmaster: TRASHED
How to Use Cheats in GTA 5
GTA 5 Phone Numbers
- Drunk Mode: 1-999-547-861
- Fast Run: 1-999-228-2463
- Fast Swim: 1-999-468-44557
- Recharge Ability: 1-999-769-3787
- Skyfall: 1-999-759-3255
- Super Jump: 1-999-467-86-48
- Explosive Ammo Rounds: 1-999-444-439
- Explosive Melee Attacks: 1-999-4684-2637
- Flaming Bullets: 1-999-462-363-4279
- Lower Wanted Level: 1-999-5299-3787
- Raise Wanted Level: 1-999-3844-8483
- Invincibility: 1-999-724-654-5537
- Max Health & Armor: 1-999-887-853
- Slow Motion Aim: 1-999-332-3393
- Parachute: 1-999-759-3483
- Weapons: 1-999-8665-87
- Change Weather: 1-999-625-348-7246
- Director Mode: 1-999-57-825368
- Moon Gravity: 1-999-356-2837
- Slippery Cars: 1-999-766-9329
- Slow Motion: 1-999-756-966
- Spawn BMX: 1-999-226-348
- Spawn Buzzard: 1-999-289-9633
- Spawn Caddy: 1-999-4653-46-1
- Spawn Comet: 1-999-266-38
- Spawn Duster: 1-999-359-77729
- Spawn Limo: 1-999-846-39663
- Spawn PCJ-600: 1-999-762-538
- Spawn Rapid GT: 1-999-727-4348
- Spawn Sanchez: 1-999-633-7623
- Spawn Stunt Plane: 1-999-2276-78676
- Spawn Trashmaster: 1-999-872-433
- Spawn Duke O’Death: 1-999-3328-4227
- Spawn Kraken Sub: 1-999-282-2537
- Spawn Dodo Airplane: 1-999-398-4628